Base Courses


Basics 1
Basic concepts/technique soul/primal soul, vibrations, feelings

3 days


Basics 2
Basic Concepts/Techniques II Cosmic Laws, Universe of Manifestation

3 days


Basics 3
Light matrix work, vibration raising, zero-point energy, karma resolution, and more..

3 Tage

In-Depth Courses


Recognize and change disturbances and blockages in the aura

5 days

Vibration Fields I + II

divided into 2 courses
Find and clean up frequencies

2 x 5 days

Cellular Cosmos

Perceiving and transforming various cellular vibrations

10 days

Additional Courses/Special Courses


For deltaCurer (required: Universe)
The constellation of persons to uncover relationships with deltaCure - you succeed in recognizing systemic connections, identifying and resolving the causes and much more.

2 days

Energy Spheres

For deltaCurer (required: Universe)
Working with energy balls is a special technique to bring about long-lasting changes. It helps you to activate change impulses always anew.

3 days

End-Of-Life Care

For deltaCurer (required: Universe):
This is about accompanying people as they die and taking away their fear of death/afterlife. We learn to accompany people into the light and make it easier for them to say goodbye.

3 days

Teacher Training Courses

Teacher Soul

Basics 1
Basic concepts/technique soul/primal soul, vibrations, feelings

3 days

Teacher Universe

Basics 2
Basic Concepts/Technique II Cosmic Laws, Manifestation Universe

3 days

Teacher Multiverse

Basics 3
Light matrix work, vibration raising, zero-point energy, karma resolution, and more

3 days

Master Courses

Master Aura

Recognize and change disturbances and blockages in the aura

4 days

Master Vibration Fields

divided into 2 courses
Find and clean up frequencies

2 x 4 days

Master Cellular Cosmos

Perceiving and transforming various cellular vibrations

10 days